Crude Glycerin
Crude glycerin is a by-product of the biodiesel production process, specifically resulting from the trans-esterification reaction. It serves as an essential raw material for producing high-purity glycerin through further refining. Typically, the production of 100 litres of biodiesel yields about 14 litres of crude glycerin as a secondary product.
Through additional processing, crude glycerin becomes a valuable resource with applications in various industries, including food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and carpet manufacturing. At Kotyark Industries Limited, the crude glycerin undergoes further refinement in an on-site processing plant, resulting in different grades of refined glycerin suitable for diverse end-use applications. On further processing, it finds application in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.
The Company took a significant step forward by installing a glycerin processing pilot plant with a capacity of 210 KL per day at its Sirohi facility.